Google domain registration agreement

Google Domains Domain Name Registration Agreement

Effective as of May 31, 2022

This Domain Name Registration Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between Google, the sponsoring registrar, or acting as reseller for the sponsoring registrar ("we," "us," "our," or "Registrar") and you, the person or entity registering a domain or domains through Google. "Google" has the meaning given at terms/google-entity.

In this Agreement "you," "your," and "Registrant" refer to you or any agent, employee, or person authorized to act on your behalf, and the registrant listed in the WHOIS contact information of the domain name.

This Agreement is effective as of the date you click "Buy" or accept the Agreement and we have accepted your application or charged you Fees (the "Effective Date"). You represent and warrant that: (i) you have full legal authority to bind to this Agreement; (ii) you have read and understand this Agreement; (iii) you agree to this Agreement; (iv) you have obtained and will maintain any required third party consents necessary under this Agreement; and (v) you have the authority to approve a Change of Registrant. If you do not have the legal authority, please do not click to "Buy" or accept the Agreement. This Agreement governs your access to and use of the Services.

In addition, we also publish a Privacy Policy. Although it's not part of this Agreement, we encourage you to read it to better understand what information we collect about you when you are using the Services and how we use such information.

    1. Domain Name Registration Services . Google LLC is an accredited registrar with the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ("ICANN") for Top Level Domain Names ("TLDs"). We are bound by the Registrar Accreditation Agreement with ICANN and an additional agreement with the applicable Registry Operator for any TLD for which we offer domain name registration. Our domain name registrations are only for limited terms, which end on either (i) expiration date communicated to you, subject to Registry policies, or (ii) cancellation of the Registered Name registrations by you or us. Domain name registrations are not effective until the Registry Operator enters the domain into the Registry database.
    2. Domain Name Availability . We do not guarantee the availability of a domain name, even if our system indicates that the domain name is available. You agree that we are not liable or responsible for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions or any other actions by the Registry arising out of or related to a request to register, renew, modify the settings for, or transfer of a domain name registration. Our liability for fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation, or death or personal injury caused by negligence or willful misconduct remains unaffected.
    3. Registration Acceptance . We may accept or reject your application for registration or renewal for any reason at our sole discretion. We are not liable or responsible for any third party's errors, omissions or other actions arising out of or related to your domain name application, registration, or renewal. Any liability or responsibility for our vicarious agents remains unaffected.
    4. Account. You must have an Account to use the Services, and are responsible for the information provided to create the Account, the security of passwords for the Account, and for any use of the Account that you have culpably caused. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of the Account or the passwords for the Account, you will notify Google as promptly as possible. We are not responsible for any failure to comply with this clause, or for any delay in shutting down your Account after a reported breach of security to Google. If your Account is disabled, we may also disable your Google Domains Account, suspend the Services, block transfer requests, or delete the Services.
    5. Third Party Services . We may offer certain Third Party Services (e.g. services that register TLDs for which we are not an accredited registrar, or services that provide private or proxy registration). The Third Party Services are subject to separate terms and conditions in addition to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. In the event of a conflict between such Third Party Services terms and conditions and this Agreement, the terms and conditions of this Agreement will govern.
    6. Other Google Services. We may offer Other Google Services. The Other Google Services are subject to separate terms and conditions in addition to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. If you enable sharing access with another user through the Google Domains Site, sharing may be applied to the Other Google Services.
    7. Modifications .
      1. To the Services . We're constantly developing new technologies and features to improve our Services. As part of the continual evolution of the Services, we may, either partially or in its entirety, modify, adapt or change the Services' features, the user interface and design and any other aspect related to the Services. These modifications may include: (i) adding or removing tools, features or functionality available from time to time through the Services, and (ii) adding new services to the "Services" definition from time to time, the use of which may be contingent upon your agreement to additional terms, or discontinuing old services. We may also change our Services for the following reasons:
        1. to adapt to new technologies;
        2. to reflect an increase or decrease in the number of users who use a particular feature or service;
        3. to reflect changes in the licenses and partnerships we have with third parties;
        4. to prevent abuse or harm; or
        5. to address legal, regulatory, safety, security or operability issues.

        If we make material changes that negatively impact your use of our Services or if we stop offering a service, we'll provide you with notice except in urgent situations such as preventing abuse or harm, responding to legal requirements, or addressing security and operability issues.

        For EEA-based consumers : Please note that if we make a material change that negatively impacts your ability to use or access the Services or if we stop offering the Services, we'll provide you with reasonable advance notice by email, if available, including a description of the changes, when they'll take place, and your right to end your Agreement with us if our modifications create more than a minor negative impact, except in urgent situations such as preventing abuse or harm, responding to legal requirements, or addressing security and operability issues. We maintain a rigorous product research program, so before we change or stop offering a service, we carefully consider your interests as a user, your reasonable expectations, and the potential impact on you and others. We only change or stop offering services for valid reasons. We'll also give you an opportunity to transfer out your domain names from your Google Domains Account, as set out in Section 5 below, and subject to applicable law, registry requirements, and policies.

        1. Fees. You will pay all Fees due for all services purchased from Google. Subject to any right of withdrawal which you may be entitled to (see Section 17 below) , all Fees are non-refundable unless otherwise noted in the refund policy.
        2. Taxes . You are responsible for any Taxes, and you will pay us for the Services without any reduction for Taxes. If we are obligated to collect or pay Taxes, the Taxes will be charged to you, unless you provide us with a timely and valid tax exemption certificate authorized by the appropriate taxing authority. If under the applicable taxing legislations, you are required to pay taxes on your own and undertake statutory compliance, then you shall do so on your own account and cost.
        3. Incomplete Payment . If we are unable to charge all Fees through your selected payment method, or if we receive notification of a chargeback, reversal, payment dispute, or are charged a penalty for any fee we previously charged to your selected payment method, we may pursue all available lawful remedies to obtain payment, including immediately canceling any Services registered or renewed on your behalf, or returning the domain name to the auction pool.
        4. Price Changes . We reserve the right to change (i.e. increase or decrease) our Fees from time to time. Any changes to our Fees will only apply to the next payment due from you following reasonable notice to you.
        1. Protection of Personal Data .
          1. To the extent permitted by ICANN and applicable law, Google may use the publicly available information that you provided. We will retain your information as directed by ICANN Data Retention Specification and any ICANN consensus policies.
          2. If you disclose any third party individual's personal information, you represent to us that you have provided your privacy policy to that individual and obtained that individual's consent to disclosing personal information to us, in compliance with the requirements of the applicable law, the ICANN Registrar Accreditation Agreement, and any ICANN consensus policies.
          1. You must provide the following information to register a domain name ("Registrant Information"):
            1. Registered Name contact information, including name, postal address, email address, and voice telephone number of the Registered Name Holder;
            2. Contact information for the Registered Name's administrative and technical contact, including: name, postal address, email address, and voice telephone number, which may be identical to the Registered Name Holder;
            3. Billing contact for the Registered Name.
            1. ICANN Required Disclosures .
              1. Domain name registration requires sharing the Registrant Information, in whole or in part, with the applicable Registry Operator and with ICANN. As required by ICANN, this information must also be made publicly available by means of WHOIS, and that the Registry Operator may also be required to make this information publicly available by WHOIS. Google and the Registry Operator may be required to archive this information with a third party escrow service. Registrant consents to and gives permission for all such required disclosures. Further, Registrant represents and warrants that, if Registrant is providing information about a third party, Registrant has notified the third party of the required disclosures and the purpose for the disclosures and Registrant has obtained the third party's consent to such disclosure.
              2. ICANN may establish or modify the policies or guidelines that relate to the amount and type of contact information that we may or must make available to the public or to private entities, and the manner in which such information is made available.
              1. Accuracy of Information
                1. The Registrant Information must be accurate and up to date.
                2. Within 5 business days of when any Registrant Information or any information you provided changes, you must correct and update.
                3. If you fail to comply with the above or fail to respond for over 15 days to our inquiries regarding the accuracy of your information, then you will be in material breach of this Agreement and we may suspend and/or cancel the Services or your Google Domains Account.
                1. If you intend to license use of a Registered Name to a third party, you are the deemed Registered Name Holder of record and you remain responsible for providing and updating your own full contact information and accurate administrative and technical contact information to facilitate timely resolution of any problems that arise in connection with the Registered Name.
                2. A Registered Name Holder that licenses a Registered Name under this Section 4.b. is liable for harm caused by wrongful use of the Registered Name, unless it discloses within 7 days the licensee's identity and current contact information (as provided by the licensee) to the party that provides the Registered Name Holder with reasonable evidence of actionable harm.
                3. If you resell domain names, you will notify any individuals whose personal information you have obtained about ICANN's policy regarding the possible uses of their personal information. You must also obtain consent, and evidence of consent, from those individuals for such use of the personal information they provide.
                1. Domain Name Transfer .
                  1. Transfer to Other Registrars .
                    1. Your transfer of Registered Names will be governed by the ICANN Transfer Policy, including the Registrar Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy, and Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, as these policies may be modified from time to time.
                    2. In order for you to transfer your Registered Name(s) to a registrar other than us ("Gaining Registrar"), you must access your Google Domains Account, unlock the Registered Name and obtain the EPP "AuthCode" which is required to transfer Registered Names in an EPP Registry Operator. The transfer itself must be initiated by the Gaining Registrar. Subject to the ICANN Transfer Policy, each registrar has its own transfer process and we are not responsible for any issues with the Gaining Registrar's system. Once you have successfully initiated a transfer request through the Gaining Registrar, you must approve the request.
                    3. You may not transfer a Registered Name (i) within 60 days of initial registration; (ii) within 60 days of a transfer; (iii) if there is a dispute regarding the identity of the Registered Name Holder; (iv) if you fail to pay Fees; (v) if the Registered Name is expired; or (vi) if a Registered Name is subject to a lock due to UDRP, URS or court proceedings.
                    4. You acknowledge that we will not prohibit you from transferring your Registered Name to other registrars within 60 days of a Change of Registrant.
                    5. We will follow the procedures for both gaining and losing registrars as outlined in the ICANN Transfer Policy. During the transfer period, if the domain name expires, you will need to reinstate the transfer request following a renewal or redemption of the domain name. You may be required to resubmit a transfer request if there is a communication failure.
                    1. all information provided by you in connection with your procurement of the Services is complete and accurate;
                    2. Registrant Information will be kept current;
                    3. You will not use the Services in any manner that will, or is likely to, bring Google into disrepute;
                    4. you are not using the Services for an unlawful purpose;
                    5. registering the Registered Name and directly or indirectly using the Services will not violate any applicable laws or regulations, legal rights of others, or our rules or policies including, but not limited to:
                      1. engaging in spam, phishing, or other deceptive practices;
                      2. distributing malware or other items of a destructive or deceptive nature; or
                      3. allowing child sexual abuse imagery or other exploitation of children.
                      1. if you materially or repeatedly breach any of the terms of this Agreement (including a breach of any of the representations and warranties in Section 6);
                      2. to comply with a court order, other legal requirement, or any dispute resolution process;
                      3. to comply with specifications adopted by any industry group generally recognized as authoritative with respect to the Internet;
                      4. as required by ICANN, a Registry Operator, or law enforcement;
                      5. to protect the integrity and stability of the Services;
                      6. if there was an error in the registration process for such Registered Name;
                      7. if your Account is disabled or terminated; or
                      8. if we reasonably believe that your conduct causes harm or liability to another user, third party or Google - for example, by hacking, phishing, harassing, spamming or misleading others.
                      1. Term of Agreement . Unless earlier terminated in accordance with this Agreement, this Agreement will remain in effect as long as (a) you have a Registered Name with us and (b) Google LLC is an ICANN-accredited registrar.
                      2. Expiration of Registered Name . The Registered Name will expire on the expiration date specified in the Services, or the date determined by the applicable Registry Operator or ICANN policy.
                      3. Termination . If you materially or repeatedly breach any of the terms of this Agreement, you may no longer use the Google Domains Site and we may terminate or suspend your Google Domains Account and cancel or suspend any of your Registered Names. Save if you're an EEA-based consumer, we may also terminate this Agreement (including termination of your Google Domains Account and canceling and/or suspending any of your Registered Names) or any part or feature of the Services for our convenience at any time without liability to you.
                      4. Withdrawal for EEA-based consumer . If you're an EEA-based consumer, you can also withdraw from this Agreement within 14 days of accepting it.
                      1. You are bound by all ICANN consensus policies and all policies of any relevant Registry Operator, which may be modified from time to time by publication on the ICANN or registry website or to this Agreement.
                      2. You acknowledge, understand and agree to be bound by the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement:
                        1. Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy;
                        2. Uniform Rapid Suspension Procedure and Rules; and
                        3. Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy
                        1. of your domicile;
                        2. Mountain View, CA, USA; or
                        3. the location of the Registry Operator.
                        1. your registration of the Registered Name and use of the Services;
                        2. use of the Registered Name in violation of this Agreement; or
                        3. your violation of any third party right, including Intellectual Property Rights.
                        1. General. This Agreement only limits our responsibilities to the extent permitted by applicable law and does not limit our liability for fraud, fraudulent misrepresentation or death or personal injury caused by negligence or wilful misconduct.
                        2. Limitation on Liability : Other than the liabilities described above, Google is liable only for its breaches of this Agreement, subject to applicable law.
                        3. Exceptions to Limitations . These limitations of liability do not apply to violations of a party's Intellectual Property Rights by the other party, indemnification obligations, or your payment obligations.
                        1. Notices . To facilitate proceedings, we both are asked but not required to submit notices in English in writing and address them to the other party's legal department and primary point of contact. The email address for notices being sent to Google's Legal Department is
                        2. Assignment . You may not assign any part of this Agreement without our prior written consent.
                        3. Force Majeure . Neither party will be liable for failure or delay in performance to the extent caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.
                        4. No Waiver . Neither party will be treated as having waived any rights by not exercising (or delaying the exercise of) any rights under this Agreement.
                        5. No Agency . This Agreement does not create any agency, partnership or joint venture between the parties.
                        6. Third Party Beneficiary . Registry Operator for your Registered Name shall be the intended third party beneficiary of this Agreement. As such parties to this Agreement acknowledge and agree that the third party beneficiary rights of the Registry Operator have vested and that the Registry Operator has relied on its third party beneficiary rights under this Agreement. Third party beneficiary rights of the Registry Operator shall survive any termination of this Agreement.
                        7. Severability . If any term (or part of a term) of this Agreement is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the rest of the Agreement will remain in effect.
                        8. Governing Law .
                          2. If you're a resident of, or an organization based in, the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, this Agreement is governed by the laws of your country of residence, and you can file legal disputes in your local courts. If you're an EEA-based consumer, please contact us to resolve issues directly. The European Commission also offers an Online Dispute Resolution platform, but Google isn't legally required to use this or other alternative dispute resolution platforms.

                          Right of withdrawal You have the right to withdraw from this Agreement within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the Agreement. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Google Ireland Limited, ATTN: Google Domains, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland; +33-0800944700, see below for country-specific telephone numbers; of your decision to withdraw from this Agreement by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory. To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired. Effects of withdrawal If you withdraw from this Agreement we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this Agreement. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement. If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this Agreement, in comparison with the full coverage of the Agreement. Model withdrawal form (complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the Agreement) — To Google Ireland Limited, ATTN: Google Domains, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland,
                          — I hereby give notice that I withdraw from my contract of sale for the provision of the following service, ______________________________ ____________
                          — Ordered on, _____________________________
                          — Name of consumer, _______________________
                          — Address of consumer, _____________________
                          — Signature of consumer (only if this form is notified on paper), ___________________
                          — Date _______________
                          Loss of the Right of Withdrawal With regard to certain Services supplied under this Agreement (such as the aftermarket domain names or early access domain names), please note that you will lose the right of withdrawal described above if you (i) expressly consent to the supply of the Service during the withdrawal period; and (ii) acknowledge that you will lose your right of withdrawal once the Service has been successfully supplied to you. Contact Google to withdraw from these terms

                          CountryPhone number

                          " Account " means your Google account.

                          " Business User " means an individual or entity who is not a consumer (see definition of "consumer" below).

                          " Change of Registrant " means a change to the registrant name, organization, email address or the administrative contact email address if there is no registrant email address.

                          " Commercial guarantee " is a voluntary commitment that certain quality standards will be met and that if those standards aren't met, the company offering the guarantee is responsible for repairing, replacing, or refunding the consumer for defective items.

                          " Consumer " means an individual who uses Google Domains for personal, non-commercial purposes outside of their trade, business, craft, or profession.

                          " Fees " means the applicable fees for the Service, Third Party Services, and Other Google Services.

                          " Google Domains Account " means your account for Google Domains.

                          " Google Domains Site " means the Google Domains website.

                          " ICANN " means Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers.

                          " ICANN Transfer Policy " means the ICANN policy at transfers/.

                          " Intellectual Property Rights " means current and future worldwide rights under patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark, and moral rights laws, and other similar rights.

                          " Lack of conformity " is a legal concept that defines the difference between how something should work and how it actually works. Under the law, how something should work is based on how the seller or trader describes it, whether its quality and performance are satisfactory, and its fitness for the usual purpose of such items.

                          " Legal guarantee " is a requirement under the law that a seller or trader is liable if their digital content, services, or goods are defective (that is, that they lack conformity).

                          " Legal Process " means a data disclosure request made under law, governmental regulation, court order, subpoena, warrant, governmental regulatory or agency request, or other valid legal authority, legal procedure, or similar process.

                          " Organization " means a legal entity (such as a corporation, non-profit, or school) and not an individual person.

                          " Other Google Services " means Google services other than the Services that are provided through the Google Domains Site and that are subject to separate terms and conditions.

                          " Registered Name " means a domain name within a TLD covered by this Agreement, whether consisting of two or more (e.g., levels, about which a Registry Operator (or an affiliate engaged in providing registry services) maintains data in a Registry database, arranges for such maintenance, or derives revenue from such maintenance.

                          " Registered Name Holder " means the holder of a Registered Name.

                          " Registry " or " Registry Operator " means the person or entity then responsible for providing registry services for a specific TLD in accordance with an agreement between ICANN (or its assignee) and that person or entity or, if that agreement is terminated or expires, in accordance with an agreement.

                          " Services " means the domain name registration services available through the Google Domains Site.

                          " Third Party Services " means additional services provided by third parties, including services that register TLDs for which Google LLC is not an accredited registrar, and services that provide private or proxy registration.

                          " TLD " means a top-level domain of the Internet domain system.

                          " URL Terms " means any the terms set forth in the URLs listed in this Agreement.

                          " WHOIS " means the public display or dissemination of Registration Information by Google under ICANN requirements and consensus policies.