Attention: When searching for a tax record individuals can use their current property tax account number or their old account number; however, please be advised the current tax account number will be reflected when the search return appears on screen.
To Search & Pay Property Taxes, click here
Our office makes every effort to produce and publish the most current and accurate information possible. Searches may be conducted without making an online payment. No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the search return data, its use, or its interpretation. Utilization of this search feature indicates understanding and acceptance of this statement by the user. This search feature should not be relied upon for a title search. The search feature may be used without having to make a tax payment.
Taxpayers may use a credit/debit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express) or an E-Check (regular check and routing bank account numbers) to facilitate online property tax payments. Payment amounts vary by transaction type and payment methods (Note: No convenience fees are charged for online E-Check payments). Also, once your online transaction has been confirmed, you may print a hard copy receipt for your records.
To access the Search & Pay feature, click here.
A property owner may enter into an agreement with the Tax Collector to make partial payments for current year property. By doing so, they agree to pay an additional $10.00 processing fee per payment, forfeit any discounts, maintain a record of the remaining balance due, and make final payment of all taxes by March 31 of year following property tax assessment to avoid a tax certificate being sold (tax lien) on their property. Property tax assessments are made on January 1 each year. To begin the partial payment process, the property owner must complete the required form and then submit it to the Tax Collector’s Office with the first partial payment due. To access the required form, click here.
Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property Tax payments may be mailed using the self-addressed envelope and coupon provided with a tax notice (To see a sample tax notice, click here). If a tax notice is not available, property taxpayers may mail-in property tax payments and correspondence to P.O. Box 1189, Bartow, Florida 33831-1189 (please include owner name, return mailing address, property tax account number(s), owner telephone number, and owner email address). Checks are made payable Joe G. Tedder, Tax Collector. Do not send cash through the mail.
Mortgage companies, attorneys, and title companies often wire property tax payments to the Tax Collector’s Office. To access instructions for completing a wire transfer to the Tax Collector’s Office for Polk County, click here.
Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property Tax payments may be placed in a drop box during regular business hours. Drop boxes are located inside the lobby area of each Tax Collector’s Office Service Center location in Polk County. Checks are made payable Joe G. Tedder, Tax Collector. Do not pay by cash when using a drop box.
Real Estate and Tangible Personal Property Tax payments may be made during regular business hours at any Tax Collector’s Office Service Center location in Polk County. At our Service Centers taxpayers may pay by using a credit/debit card (Visa, Master Card, Discover, and American Express), cash, check, or money order to facilitate walk-in property tax payments. Payment amounts vary by transaction type and payment methods (Note: No convenience fees are charged for cash, check, or money order payments). Checks and money orders are made payable to Joe G. Tedder, Tax Collector and must be in U.S. funds and drawn on U.S. banks. (Note: Tax redemption payments must be made by cash, cashier’s check, certified check or money order.)