Hi, friends! Stressed about what to teach next? I know that sometimes we get stuck and need some virtual collaboration to help jump start our lesson planning. Check out these links to free library lesson plans, to help you teach your library learners!
Before I share the links, I need to share this helpful hint. I know this sounds like strange advice in our digital age, but if you see library lesson plans that are helpful to you, PRINT them and SAVE them! These websites that I’ve checked today could be gone tomorrow.
Jo Nase, at the Book Bug blog, has published her scope and sequence for the past several years here on her freebies page. You can see which books she reads to her students and what her lesson focus is each week.
Powell County, Kentucky has posted their library lesson plans for kindergarten through fifth grade at this link. Use the navigation menu on the left to click on different grade levels. Each lesson is displayed in a paragraph, with links.
The Utah Education Network links to detailed Library Lesson Plans for Grades K-5 and Grades 6-12. These resources are in list form, rather than a scope and sequence for the year.
Librarian Lindsey Ketchum posted her weekly K-8 lesson plans here, with her learning standards, objectives, and activities. Here’s a look at a sample day.
Karen Buehler at Midway Elementary School in Kingston, Tennessee shares her library lesson plans here, in bullet list format. Here’s an example of what they look like.
Elementary library lessons are organized by subject, not by date, here on the Franklin County Public Schools Library Media page. You can find lessons for specific books and topics, like the sample below.
Elementary library lesson plans often include technology instruction, like these lesson plans posted for the Lyons-Decatur Northeast Library in Nebraska.
Flemington, New Jersey has posted their 56-page library curriculum here. Although their document does not detail specific lesson plans, it does provide an overview of what to teach when. This could help you as you plan your scope and sequence for the year. The picture below will give you an idea of what this curriculum looks like.
The Council Rock School District provides a K-12 curriculum overview here. This can help you plan your school year and make sure you are not forgetting important library lessons for your students. Here’s what that looks like.
Jaynie Cannon of Taylor Elementary in White Hall, Arkansas shares her weekly library lesson plans here. Her plans are detailed and standards-based, as you can see from this picture.
Finally, thank you to all of the elementary school librarians who are so generously sharing their plans online! You are helping people you may never meet or know about, and we are grateful to you.
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