Basics of TRI Reporting

Each year, Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) data are submitted by certain industrial facilities and made available to the public.

TRI Reporting Criteria

If a facility meets the employee, industry sector, and chemical threshold criteria, it must report to the TRI Program. For more details about the reporting criteria, refer to the TRI Reporting Forms and Instructions.

Diagram showing the TRI reporting criteria. If a facility has 10 or more full-time employees (or the equivalent), is a federal facility or is in a TRI-covered industry sector, and manufactures, processes or otherwise uses a TRI chemical above the threshold level, it must submit <a href=a TRI reporting form." width="928" height="381" />

Facilities that meet all TRI reporting criteria must:

Data Reported by Facilities

Industrial facilities report data about how they are managing chemical waste through:

Additionally, facilities tell EPA about how they are reducing the amount of chemical waste that enters the environment and/or how they are preventing waste from being created in the first place.

Annual TRI Data Cycle

A diagram identifying some key points in the annual TRI data cycle. In January, <a href=facilities begin submitting TRI reporting forms covering the previous calendar year. These forms are due to EPA and the relevant state or tribe by July 1. In mid-July, EPA pub" width="928" height="522" />

The TRI Program collects, processes and analyzes TRI data on an annual cycle. In addition to activities that occur at specific times of the year, the TRI Program continually conducts data quality checks and provides analytical support for enforcement efforts led by EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA).

January-June: Facilities Prepare and Submit Forms

July 1: TRI Forms Due to EPA

Mid-July: TRI Preliminary Dataset Available

July-October: Ongoing Data Processing and Analysis

January: TRI National Analysis Available

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