Assembly Instructions

If you need help assembling your IKEA furniture you can access the instructions at any moment. Just look for any product in the search bar above and find its assembly instruction available on the product page for you to download as a PDF.

How it works

Step 1

Search for your product at the top of the page and go to your product's page.

Step 2

Scroll down the product information page and click product details. A pop-up will open with a link to Assembly & other documents.

Step 3

Click Assembly & other documents to open tab. The product assembly instructions will be listed.

TaskRabbit Assembly Service

Our products are designed to be assembled by you. That way, you’ll save the most money. However, we've partnered with TaskRabbit to connect you with a network of independent ‘Taskers’ who can provide assembly services as soon as the same day for your IKEA purchases made online and in stores.

How can we help you?

Want to check the status of your order? Want to know how to return a product? We can help.